Mengenai Saya

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Alicemich. so that's me..! seorg mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran 2011.. yg bru mencari ap artinya hidupp..prikitiww :p hmm alice cullen's addict..wowwwayaaooo..suka ujan! krn liatny nenangin.. so melankolis..hmm hobi ngusilin org. meski kadang suka bete sendiri kalo diusilin :D hidup usil! ga begitu suka nyanyi tapi hobi bgt teriak2..pengen punya indra ke6 kyk bsa ngeramal ato see the future.hahahahah :)) pengen jadi diri gw sndiri lah :D i love me,myself and I :p

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

so , here comes my birthday again. well that's mean i'm older right now. 19th ..hmm such an old . next year will be 20th . but seems i'm still learning to be a better person . still learn how to be a wise , mature , outstanding leader . absolutely still catch my dream to be a doctor . in this night. i just want to be blast for one year ahead , marvelous live , happier and always be the best for my Allah ( my savior ) family (my heroes) , my friends (my angel ) . so Happy 19th birthday Michy Anggun Malvika :)